Brew Guides

JinYu Brewing Guides

JinYu Tea Brewing rules, there are three important guidelines to follow

 Oolong Tea 

  1. Water and Water temperature : Having the best taste of tea must use the pure water or the bottle water. JinYu oolong teas are typically brewed with boiling water.
  2. Amount of tea: Golden ratio between tea and water 1g:30g
  3. Timing: 1st round 50s, add 10 secs to each round after the 1st round. Tea can be re-brew more than 6 times 

Oriental Tea and Black Tea

  1. Water and Water temperature : Having the best taste of tea must use the pure water or the bottle water. Wahter temp Start between 85°C-90°C
  2. Amount of tea: Golden ratio between tea and water 1g:25g
  3. Timing: 1st round 20s, 2ed round 30s, 3rd round 30s. after third around add 5sec to each round after. 

Cold Brew Tea: 

It is a different way to enjoy tea made with cold water. It will have rich aroma, no bitterness and low caffeine.

     1. Amount of Tea: Golden ratio between tea and water 1g:60g

     2. Timing: Use cold water put in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.